

I have an undeniable passion for serving others. With a dream of becoming a humanitarian design activist for marginalized communities in developing nations, I love to inspire and be inspired by the world around me. As a recent graduate from Georgia Tech, I have been blessed with a plethora of opportunities from which I continue to grow. Participating in the Georgia Tech Women’s Leadership Conference, the CDC’s Summer Public Health Scholars Program at Columbia University, a Human Rights fellowship through Humanity in Action and my Industrial Design studio classes that emphasize ethnographic research, I have had the opportunity to learn about and experience the public health needs and disparities in low-income communities and in the world around me. My specific design passion is to improve women’s health by means of redesigning WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) infrastructure such as toilets and menstrual hygiene products in and for these communities.

According to UNICEF, 2.5 billion people lack hygienic sanitation facilities and 768 million people drink unsafe drinking water and, of these people, women and girls are disproportionately burdened by poor sanitation and water inequities. These statistics are what motivates me to pursue work in the fields of social justice and health equity and what makes me passionate about the success of my social impact start up Wish for WASH. I would one day like to pursue a Masters in Public Health with a focus on global maternal and child health.

Ultimately, I seek to use my creativity to make the world smile.

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